Big Yellow Group (BYG)
Share Price

Details Today

934.00 -1.58 % -15.00
High / Low 962.00 934.00
Vol / Time 324,833 16:30

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Big Yellow is the leading self storage brand in London and is planning to expand in order to cover the rest of the UK. The company develops, owns, and operates, self-storage centres for both personal and business use. Currently the majority of its stores are located within the M25.

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Top Volume Real Estate Investment Trusts Shares %Chng
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Big Yellow Group - (BYG) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
12/02/2025 948.00 962.00 934.00 934.00 324,833
11/02/2025 948.00 950.00 936.00 949.00 332,036
10/02/2025 952.00 954.00 936.00 949.00 147,259
07/02/2025 950.00 961.00 931.00 938.00 302,957
06/02/2025 966.00 977.00 954.00 956.00 196,511
More Big Yellow Group History
Data for Big Yellow Group is end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.