Smiths Group (SMIN)
Share Price

Details Today

2,082.00 0.87 % 18.00
High / Low 2,084.00 2,060.00
Vol / Time 659,556 16:30

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Engineer Smiths' activities are split between aerospace instruments, which include a heavy defence element, medical equipment and heavy industrial seals. Its aeronautics branch manufactures aircraft components and navigation systems, which includes surveillance equipment for the military.

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Smiths Group - (SMIN) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
12/02/2025 2,072.00 2,084.00 2,060.00 2,082.00 659,556
11/02/2025 2,038.00 2,074.00 2,038.00 2,064.00 655,679
10/02/2025 2,032.00 2,054.00 2,030.00 2,042.00 744,013
07/02/2025 2,054.00 2,063.10 2,027.78 2,028.00 833,653
06/02/2025 2,044.00 2,056.00 2,030.00 2,052.00 705,266
More Smiths Group History
Data for Smiths Group is end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.