Prudential (PRU)
Share Price

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722.00 5.77 % 39.40
High / Low 745.60 685.40
Vol / Time 15,695,856 16:30

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One of the UK's largest life insurers, Prudential has operations around the world in the UK, US and Asia. As well as providing financial services under its own name, the Pru also owns M&G Investments. As of 2017 PRU looked after £635 billion in savings and investments for 24 million customers globally.

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Legal & General Group 0.25%
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Hansard Global 0.30%
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Prudential - (PRU) share price history
Date Open High Low Close Volume
12/02/2025 686.20 745.60 685.40 722.00 15,695,856
11/02/2025 672.00 686.00 671.80 682.60 9,777,256
10/02/2025 665.40 683.40 664.00 681.20 17,553,515
07/02/2025 673.40 681.40 663.40 663.80 16,912,325
06/02/2025 658.40 683.00 658.20 677.40 8,723,469
More Prudential History
Data for Prudential is end of day only and updates after midnight GMT. Data is gathered from historic databases such as Quandl and other reliable sources, however errors do occur. Please use for information purposes only.